Preorders & Orders
- After receiving your item, please check it thoroughly. You have 2 days from receiving your item (USPS or UPS verified) to submit a claim for a refund or return. After this time has passed, no refunds or returns will be given. However discounts are still applicable after the two days have passed from the time you received your order.
- If your order is for presale/preorder, their will be no refunds after transaction is made. However, if you find your product to be less then ideal when received, please make a claim within two days of receiving your product. After that refunds and replacements will not be given. However, discounts may be deemed necessary, at the owner's discretion.
- Presales/Preorders each differ. Please check in the informational section on the pin you are purchasing for details on when you may expect your pin to arrive. Most pins and Moodmats in presale/preorder will take 3-8 weeks to ship. However, it is out of the owner’s control if their are manufacturing issues.